Days been cold lately. For sure it includes today. Lucky thing I got my sweaters on. The day should be much better if I didn't wake up with a blocked nose. I'm feeling better now tho.. x) Just love the breeze..breeze or wind? whatever it is, it cooled me so much I almost shivered.
What a way to start a day with an unusual event. Waney got a lil shocked when she saw a lizard coming out of nowhere when she was doing her sweeping in the class. hehe.. It's normal. I got shocked too but I didn't jump my ass off the chair. Just a 'teenage' wall-lizard. Hate to see that stuff. That thing sticks and tickles! My situation was more different and good thing I took it cool. It happened somewhere last year.. I was in the canteen. Sitting down, talking with my buddies. My right leg was kinda tickling. I didn't wanna take a look, I thought it was just a thread of my pants. So I shook my legs. There it went. Out of pants, landed on my shoe and ran away. Dang it! I just brought a lizard with me? From where it came, I never know. At least I didn't shout and I was just on my sit, looking at the lizard as if it was my pet. Gross..
We had a First Aid Certificate giving event in the hall. The event started at 10.30 am. That event kinda spoilt cuz the VGA cables didn't work. We had to use Cikgu Emisa's cable. It didn't go as planned. For such a minor event, so much had happened. too bad.
Me, getting my First Aid Certificate. I'm a First Aider! (not hoping for any casualties)
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