Isnin, 12 Januari 2009


Not my first time to see a sweet smile but I always have that feeling. How it makes me turn little more hyper than normally I should be. Just the smile that I see today and for sure it wasn't from just anyone I consider ordinary. It's always me and my old days. But I'm never sick of it. That really keeps me going. Especially, the smile that I just got today. It's just so extra-ordinary that I feel like blogging about it tonight. Was it because I had not have 'that' smile for awhile? I can say it's just a month ago that I got 'that' smile. My cool days couldn't get any colder. I know it ain't cool to compare with others but I must say, none, so far has ever give me that 'feeling' whenever they smile at me. But for this one? I can feel the difference but I can't say it. Because I really can't. As in, you gotta be Lan to feel it.

Hehe..I just missed those times. If there is no word that could calm me, it's that smile is what I need. Once, I ever felt so embarassed. It was for every priceless jokes and lame words that I said to her, it was the smile she gave me in return. Back home, look in the mirror and I 'learn' how to smile. Improve my 'smiling' so that I can get that extra spark when we're gonna have some time together (back then! not now). Down the stairs I walked, said hi and there she went, the wave and the smile.. I'm so high about it, back home I texted her just to thank for the smile. And she didn't call me weird for it. hahah! cool~ Even the craziest guy wouldn't text for smile. Sure is I'm expecting another one soon...........

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