Ahad, 4 Januari 2009

Pictures that I missed on previous post

How can I miss their picture? Haha! Anyways, I just wanna make this post for the pictures I missed.

Leena was challenged to propose Pipet in front of everybody.That's Leena in purple and Pipet (dua-dua sengih-sengih ah)

Damang Sari!? Brabiz!!
Damang Sari Team. Our last day attending the course at Temburong. (Outward Bound Brunei Darussalam). Missed those days. x)

We just got dried from getting soaked Courtesy of Abang Saiful. He's the one in the middle using my pose! Hahah! Nah~ This is our picture when we were at the Panaga Firestation. Faces in the picture are trained by professionals. HaHa!

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