Khamis, 8 Januari 2009

By day it's Thursday

What happened today? Well, me and some of my media members attended SMSA Times meeting at our school of course discussing what is to be included for our next issue. I know you don't wanna know about it. Kinda distracting because the meeting was held on my PS (personal studies) period. I was tryin to relax and stuff when this meeting came to me, keep calling my name. hahah! whatever..Right, I left 2 pictures(dated 7th January) to be posted. So here goes.

Better not to sit with you all..isk isk..

Sahlan was not in a good mood when he sat down on tiles. Not to turn on his back. Looking away from them.

BAH! BAH! Tani Geng!
Then they suddenly tried to kick my head off my neck. I ducked down (like the one I saw in the news) avoiding those legs. Sadly, I know the kicks were intentional when I saw the smile on their faces, enjoyed my fear.

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